Discover how to: | |||||||
1. Organize your project and complete it successfully. | |||||||
2. Create a realistic life sketch of your ancestor’s life. | |||||||
3. Create beautiful page layouts in an heirloom-quality legacy album. | |||||||
BONUS: Photo album hack! Quickly upload copies of all those photos from the old scrapbooks and magnetic albums. There’s an App for that! |
BONUS: Add video or audio clips to your Legacy Family History Album | |||||||
BONUS: Create life sketch of your ancestor |
Your Instructor
Nancy Laney is founder of Publish Your Legacy Now, a multi-media Family History company and an author. Her website features her online video course, research services and innovative Workbook: Publish Your Legacy Now, How to Create an Album so Your Family History Lives Forever.
As a Family Historian, she has been an avid genealogist for 30 years. She has taught at community venues and family history fairs. She lectures, writes, and consults on a variety of genealogy topics.
She has 30 years of project management experience as a Healthcare IT Director, successfully leading multi-million dollar projects and speaking at national conferences. She has a BA in Business Management and enjoys painting fine art portraits at her favorite retreat.